Ask a Virtual Assistant

Seven days of personalized help with the logistical intricacies of running your private practice from an experienced VA
All the small details involved in running and growing a practice can be overwhelming, and oftentimes, you're going at it alone. Have you ever wished you had someone to advise you, to brainstorm with you, to help you make the best decisions from the myriad decisions you have to make as a practice owner?

My name is Jessie Edwards, and as a virtual assistant, I've worked with many practices to help them create and refine their systems to keep their practices running efficiently, effectively, and ethically. I've helped practices overhaul their intake processes, rollout new cancellation policies, develop and promote services outside of regular therapy sessions, and much more. 

Now I want to help you - whether you need a sounding board to talk through practice policies and procedures, a second set of eyes to review your current processes and determine where change is needed, or an informed opinion about the multitude of software and system options available to therapists, I'll be here to give you the perspective you need to confidently make decisions about your practice, all without a break in your day.

Topics we can cover: 
  • Designing a more efficient intake process
  • Picking the right EHR, phone, or email system for your needs
  • Reviewing call scripts and email templates
  • Strategizing fee increases
  • Refining practice policies 
  • Brainstorming marketing ideas 
  • And much more!

What's included?

Send questions via text, recorded video, or recorded audio, and receive replies twice daily for 7 days. I can answer questions, provide suggestions, and help with brainstorming about practice logistics. I cannot provide hands-on work, such as writing email templates or phone scripts from scratch. Editing suggestions are OK!

If you have questions about what's included, please let us know at

How fast will I get replies?
Responses are provided twice a day within East Coast business hours. Typically, I respond to questions in the morning prior to 10:30 a.m. and then again in the afternoon prior to 5 p.m. ET. 

Book your week to Ask a VA for just $75!
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